Cake1 cake와 관련된 영어표현 1. a piece of cake (=easy) 누워서 떡먹기 *That's a piece of cake.(그거야 식은죽 먹기지) 2. take the cake 상을 타다 → 너 잘 났다(반어법) 3. My cake is dough. 나의 계획은 실패다 4. cannot have your cake and eat it too (=enjoy the advantages of two things that cannot exist together) 둘 다 취 할 수는 없다 5. sell like hot cakes ( = to sell quickly) 날개 돋친 듯이 팔린다 *These books sell like hot cakes(이책은 날개 달린듯이 팔린다) 2021.07.31 - [재미있는 영어 이야기] - J.. 2021. 8. 8. 이전 1 다음 728x90