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재미있는 영어 이야기

영어이름 뜻 (남자)

by Kelly-K 2021. 8. 26.


영어 이름 뜻 (남자)


인기있는 남자아이 영어이름 400개 입니다.

그 뜻도 있으니 참고하세요.

(400 Best English Names for Baby Boy with Meaning)




Name Meaning
Aaron ‘Exalted or ‘High mountain’
Abel ‘Breath’ or ‘breathing spirit’
Abraham ‘Father of many’
Adam ‘Red’ or ‘to make’. This is one of the popular British names for boys.
Aden Attractive, Handsome
Adrian ‘A man from Hadria’
Alan ‘Handsome’ or ‘little rock’
Alexander ‘Defender of men’
Andi Man, Warrior
Andrew Someone who has exceptional man-like qualities.
Anthony ‘Very praiseworthy’ or ‘Flower’
Asher ‘Fortunate’ or ‘blessed’
Ashley/Ashton ‘Lives in the ash tree grove or ash tree town’. 
Austin ‘Majestic’ or ‘venerable’
Avery ‘Ruler of Elves’
Axel ‘The father is peace’
AydenAidan ‘Little fire’
Barret Brave as a Bear, Variant of Barnett, Bear-strength
Bart Rich in Land, From the Barley Farm
Beau ‘Beautiful’ or ‘handsome’
Benjamin ‘Son of my right hand’
Bennett ‘Blessed’
Berli Meadow with the Cow Barn
Binky Field of Beans
Blake This is one which is may seem contradictory as it can mean ‘dark complexioned’ but it can also mean ‘pale’ or ‘bright’.
Bobby Bright Fame, Abbreviation of Robert, Short Form of Robert
BradBradley ‘Broad clearing’ and ‘broad wood’
Brandon ‘Hill covered with broom weed’
Bravo An Excellent Man
Brody ‘Rampart’ or ‘muddy place’
Bron Brown, Dark, Brown One’s Son
Bruce ‘A thick brush’
Bryan Honourable, Form of Brian
Bryce Someone who is very fast and quick.
Bucky Male Deer, Diminutive of Buck
Caleb ‘Dog’ or ‘A faithful person’
Calvin ‘Bald’
Camden ‘From the winding valley’
Cameron ‘Crooked nose’ or ‘crooked river’
Carlo Strong, Masculine, A Free Man
Carlos ‘Full-grown’ or ‘man’
Carter ‘One who transports goods’
Casey Alert, Watchful, Vigilant, Wakeful
Cayle Bold
Charles ‘Full-grown’, ‘man’ or ‘free man’
Christian ‘Follower of Christ’
Christopher ‘Carrier of Christ’
Chuck Free Man, Strong and Manly,
Clark A Member of Religious Order, Clergyman
Clayton ‘Clay settlement’ or ‘village on clay’
ColeColin ‘Dark complexioned’
Connor ‘Wise’
Cooper ‘One who makes wooden vessels or barrels’
Cosmo Courtesy, The Universe, Orderliness
Cyan A Greenish Blue Colour
Dalas Eye Contact, Clean Sight
Damian ‘One who subdues or tames’
Daniel ‘God is my judge’
Danny Form of Daniel, God is My Judge
Darik Ruler of the People
David ‘Friend’ or ‘Beloved’
Davin Beloved, Dear One, Bright Finn, Brilliant Finn, Black One, Variant of David
Dawan Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious
Dawson ‘Son of David’
Dean ‘Valley’
Declan ‘Full of goodness’
Deep A Lamp, Light, Superior to Infinity
Dekle Dusty One, Servant
Dennis ‘God of Wine’
Derby Deer Park, From the Village of Danes
Dominic ‘Belonging to the lord’
Duke Title of Nobility, A Leader of Men
Dylan ‘Son of the sea’ or ‘born from the ocean’
Edward ‘Wealthy guardian’
Elliot ‘Jehovah is God’
Emmanuel ‘God is with us’
Emmett ‘Powerful’
Eric ‘Eternal ruler’
Ethan ‘Constant’ or Strong’
Everett ‘Brave as a wild boar’
Ezekiel ‘God strengthens’. Another version of this name is Zeke,  used as a nickname for Ezekiel.
Ezra ‘Helper’
Fabian Grower of Beans, The Sky
Faris Horseman, Perspicacity
Farlay From the Ram-meadow / Bull-meadow
Farold Powerful Traveller, Mighty Voyager
Favian Understanding, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius
Felix Fortunate, Happy, Name of a Saint
Felman Living in the Mountains
Finch A Small Singing Bird, Breeder / Seller of Finches
Finley ‘Fair-haired warrior’. Finn is a commonly used nickname for Finley.
Fitz Male Descendant, Son
Floyd White Haired, The Hollow
Frank ‘Free man’
Fraze French Town, Diminutive of Fraser
Frederick ‘Peaceful ruler’

영어이름 뜻 


Gabriel ‘God is my strength’ or ‘devoted to God’
Gavin ‘White hawk’
George ‘Tiller of soil’ or ‘farmer’
Giovanni ‘God has shown favour’
Graham ‘Gravelly homestead’
Grant ‘Someone who is destined to become great’
Grayson ‘Son of a steward’
Hagan Strong Defence, Sanctuary, Safe Harbour
Hamil Carrier, Bearer
Hardy Strong, Bold, Brave, Daring
Harrison ‘Son of Harry’
Hayden ‘Heathen’ and ‘Fire’
Healy From the Slope Land
Hector ‘Holding fast’ or ‘to restrain’ in Greek. 
Henry ‘Ruler of an enclosure’
Hudson ‘Heart’ or ‘spirit’
Hunter ‘A person who hunts’
Ian ‘Gift from God’
Isaac ‘He who laughs’ or ‘laughter’
Ivaan God is Gracious, Undefeatable
Ivan ‘Gift from God’
Jack ‘Someone who is in good health’ or ‘God is gracious’
Jackson ‘Son of Jack’ or ‘God has shown favour’
Jacob ‘Supplanter’ or ‘ruler of tribes’
James ‘One who follows’
Jared ‘Rose’ or ‘Descending’
Jason ‘A healing’
Jasper ‘Treasure bringer’ or ‘An individual who keeps close watch over the wealth of others’.
Jayden ‘Thankful’
Jensen ‘Jehovah is gracious’
‘Exalted of the lord’ or ‘God will uplift’
Jesse ‘Wealthy’
Jesus ‘Jehovah is generous’
Joel ‘Jehovah is God’
John/Jonathan ‘Jehovah has shown favour’
Jonah ‘Dove’
Jose/Joseph ‘May God increase’
Joshua ‘Jehovah is generous’
Julian ‘Youthful’
Justin ‘Righteous’
Kabir The Great, Powerful, Leader
Kacy Descendant, Descendant of Cathasaigh
Kaiden/Kayden ‘Son of Cadan’ in Gaelic and ‘companion’
Kevin ‘Someone who is eternally handsome’
Kian Kings, Royal, Ancient
Kingston ‘King’s field’
Kirk Dweller by the Church, Church
Kody Cushion, Helper, Descendant of the Helpful One
Landon ‘Long hill’ or ‘ridge’
Leonardo ‘Bold as a lion’
Levi ‘Pledged’ or ‘joined’
Liam ‘Helment of will’
Lincoln ‘Lake settlement’
Logan ‘Hollow’
Lorenzo ‘From Laurentium’
Lucas ‘Light’
Luis ‘Famous warrior’
Maddox ‘Son of Madoc’
Malachi ‘My messenger’
Marcus ‘Hammer’
Martin ‘War-like’
Mason ‘Stone worker’
Matthew ‘Gift of God’. Another form of this name is Matteo.
Maverick ‘Independent-minded’ or ‘unorthodox’. 
Maximus ‘Greatest’
Maxson ‘Great son’
Melvin ‘Chief’ or ‘council protector’
Michael ‘Who is like God?’. Some of the other versions of this name are Mitchell and Miguel.
Miles ‘Mild’ or ‘peaceful’
Miller ‘One who grinds grain’
Nathaniel ‘Gift of God’. Some of the other variants of this name include Nathan or Nate.
Nicholas ‘Victory of the people’
Noah ‘Comfort’ or ‘repose’
Nolan ‘Descendant of a champion’


남자아이 이름 뜻

O- Z

Oliver ‘Olive tree’
Oscar ‘Divine spear’ or ‘God’s Spear’
Owen ‘Young warrior or ‘well born’
Parker ‘One who works in a park’ or ‘gamekeeper’
Patrick ‘Nobleman’
Pery One who Lives by a Pear Tree
Preston ‘The priest’s village’
Prim Primrose, Flower
Richard ‘Powerful ruler’
Robert ‘Famed’ or ‘Bright’
Roman ‘Citizen of Rome’
Ryan ‘Little king’
Ryder ‘Mounted warrior’
Samuel ‘Name of God’ or ‘Heard by God’
Santiago ‘Supplanter’ or ‘holder of the heel’
Sawyer ‘One who cuts timber’
Sebastian ‘Venerable’ or ‘revered’
Steven ‘Crown’ or ‘garland’
Theodore ‘God’s gift’
Thomas ‘A twin’
Timothy ‘In God’s Honour’ or ‘honouring God’
Tristan ‘Outcry’ or ‘Tumult’ and ‘Sorrowful’
Tucker ‘Fabric worker’
Tyler ‘Doorkeeper of an inn’ or ‘one who makes tiles’
Victor ‘Conqueror’
Vincent ‘To conquer’
Wesley ‘One who lives in the west wood or clearing’
Weston ‘Western settlement’
Xavier ‘Splendid’ or ‘bright’
Zachary ‘Remembered by God’

2021.08.21 - [재미있는 영어 이야기] - 2021년 인기있는 영어 이름


2021년 인기있는 영어 이름

영어 이름 미국의 육아정보 사이트인 babycenter에 나와 있는, 2021년에 가장 인기있는 영어이름 입니다. (Top baby names so far in 2021 POPULARITY ON BABYCENTER) 요즘은 일반유치원도 영어수업이 다 있어서..


2021.08.21 - [재미있는 영어 이야기] - 영어 이름 뜻 (여자)


영어 이름 뜻 (여자)

영어이름 뜻 인기있는 여자아이 이름 400개 입니다. 그 뜻도 있으니 참고하세요. 400 Best English Names for Baby Girl with Meaning A~D Name Meaning Abigail ‘A father’s joy’. This name has become popul..




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