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재미있는 영어 이야기

blue와 관련된 영어 표현

by Kelly-K 2021. 7. 20.

blue와 관련된 영어표현

1. Once in a blue moonVery seldom, scarcely, not very often, hardly ever

    (매우 드물게)



2. Out of the blue - Unexpectedly; without warning or preparation




3. True blue - Indubitably loyal or faithful




4. Blue-ribbon - High quality

  (최상의, 일급의)



5. Blue Bloods - Belonging to upper class of the society or having a royal background

  (명문가 출신)   Deprecating Term for 'Upper Class People'



6. Blue-chip - High-quality, widely accepted products and services.




7. blue in the face - with a lot of effort for very long time without success

    (지쳐서 창백한)




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